Wholesale Real Estate


Everything You Need To Explode Your Real Estate Investment Business Right Now. ...No matter who or where you are starting from.


We are an experienced 15+ year real estate lending and investing company seeking new partners, to learn the real estate investing business and build a long term partnership.

This is not a coaching program, this is not consulting or mentoring. This is fast paced learning and hands-on systems implementation where you get to leverage years of experience, network building, education, trial and error to make a multiple 6 figure income in the industry that still builds the most wealth for the most entrepreneurs across the globe.

It all starts by becoming a Discounted Property Acquisitions Specialist (Wholesaler)

How much do real estate wholesalers make?

Your income as a real estate wholesaler is truly determined by what you put into it. 6 figures in your first year is more than do ‘able, it’s expected. Hear Me Now, if you need a babysitter to motivate you or are really “needy”, this is NOT FOR YOU. We are seeking highly motivated, PROFESSIONAL individuals to learn the business, build relationships, and expand into several new markets. The successful partner will be trained inside of our Hunt Fish & Farm Method. You will be building a business responsible for finding, negotiate and coordinate wholesale flips. Using proven resources, systems, and massive network. This opportunity is not for everyone and there are a few requirements

What You Bring To The Table

Who You Are:

– Character, honesty and integrity

– Respectful and easy to work with (NO Debbie or Danny Downers)

– A self-starter that is driven to work hard for a massive reward

– Willingness to learn and “get out of the box”

– Motivated by money and willing to work for it

– Organized, able to manage a calendar and be on time to appointments

– Good people skills, friendly. (You do not need to be an “extrovert” to be successful)

– Many intangibles that we can get a feel for in the interview

What You Need:

– Working, high speed internet access

– Ability to follow step by step instruction

– Laptop / PC / Tablet (must be computer literate)

– 4 hrs/day minimum

– An available marketing budget (and/or the commitment to use free channels to build your online reach and pipeline)

What You Do

The wholesaler is a specialist in the most crucial aspect of any real estate transaction, FINDING THE DEAL. You are responsible for:

– Generating new seller leads every day

– Effectively communicate with motivated sellers

– Knowing how to analyze and calculate a profitable deal

– Making offers

– Documentation and tracking

– Follow-up and coordinate closings

Don’t worry we teach you all you need to know to be successful

What You Get From Me:

You get:
– The business structure and framework necessary to be successful

– An action based step-by-step system to build a multi-channel motivated seller marketing system following my Hunt Fish & Farm Method

– $1.2 Million Google Ads Campaign To Get Instant Traction In Any Market

– Your own personalized city page inside “The We Buy Houses Group” website and network

– Swipe files with the scripts and templates for motivated seller outreach and follow-up

– The training you need to leverage the best tools in the industry to streamline your property acquisitions

– Your fully integrated into our CRM complete with the follow-up sequences because the fortune is and always has been in the follow-up

– Results based KPI’s and success tracking system

– Done For You Dispositions – Marketing your property to our Active Cash Buyers Network

– EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) Funding – get your first deal to the finish line even when you don’t have the cash to cover the EMD.

– Access to in-house highly trained and experienced transaction coordinators to help get your deals to the finishline.

– The assurance that you have a partner in the game who has just as much riding on your success as you do. Your getting the resources, training, and direction to not only find, flip and fund real estate deals, but also how to run a successful business.

This isn’t about you “getting some new system”. This is about leveraging a proven system to make money together doing deals for years to come.

You won’t be alone in this. You’ll have the clarity and support of my network and all my resources driving your success.

Get Started In 3 Simple Steps:

(1) Schedule & Apply

(2) Interview

(3) Agree to partner with a winning team

During the interview we will discuss:

-Exactly what a successful real estate business looks like. (The Framework)

– Marketing Budget. This budget has been analyzed to almost pinpoint accuracy to know what it costs to reach your first deal.

– Monthly Expenses. You’ll need to be able to pay for leads/research/follow-up systems and tech. This budget is in addition to the “marketing budget” mentioned above.

– This is not a job. We are helping you set-up your business and systems.

– Get access to everything listed above along with every updated training as we strive to stay in step with the rapid adjustments in todays market.

…Then, if we decide to work together, we’ll discuss the profit split… Your gonna love this part!


We Are In This Together -
Here's How It Works

The Unbound Real Estate Investment Business Incubator is designed to build successful real estate investors.

Giving you access to evereything you need to achieve financial freedom through real estate, even if you’re new to real estate investing, with little to no experience, starting with limited capital, or overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of starting a new real estate business.

Unlock the secrets of hyperlocal domination with our unique motivated seller attraction framework.

Leverage group media buying and SEO to drive motivated sellers to personalized “city pages” on our parent “We Buy Houses” website.

Overcome the challenges of market competition and lack of experience with in-depth training, scripts, and templates to maximize you discounted property acquisitions.

Gain access to everything you need for real estate success. From fix and flip loans to done-for-you dispositions, earnest money deposit funding, a robust cash buyer’s network, and expert transaction coordinators

Achieve your dream of real estate success with a one-stop in-house solution. We practically erase the struggles of “getting started”.

Empower your real estate business with a personalized CRM, complete with a calendar integration, phone, email, text, and all the follow-up and messaging sequences you need to break free from the overwhelm of business management.

We don’t stop there…

With comprehensive business mastery training, including personal & business credit, market authority, and raising private capital. You can surpass your goals with efficiency and effectiveness.

Joining The Unbound Real Estate Investment Business Incubator Rapid Implementation Program You will not only learn exactly what to do to attract the sellers, contract the deals, find cash buyer, and close deals you will have access to all the tools and resources you need to make it happen with laser focused efficiency.

But, don’t waste your time or ours if you’re not serious and ready to make a commitment…

We are looking for hungry entrepreneurs, ready to close deals!

I’m sure you can see how this is a win win for us both but my motivation for creating this opportunity is three fold.

  • 1st We have a wealth of investors that need more deals and don’t like marketing.

  • 2nd J.W. Crawford Management works closely with private lenders and fund managers, so the more transactions we can facilitate, the more money of theirs we can deploy, growing their passive income, and padding our bottom line, too.

  • 3rd I personally enjoy seeing people succeed and building relationships that build wealth for everyone.

We are expanding into several markets and have been in this industry 2015.

Bottom line:

Our network is established, we know what works, and want to build a loyal tribe of successful investors.

What if You don’t need the training?

You are a successful Wholesaler

just looking for a dependable

Marketing Partnership

That means you understand cost per acquisition, and getting the most out of your marketing spend. You won’t find a better system to plug into anywhere in the industry. I’ll say it again: Our network is established, we know what works, and want to build a loyal tribe of successful investors.
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